It really isn’t hard
Doubling giving is something we strive to achieve for all the charities we work with. That is our bottom line. Sometimes it might take a test or two to get there, but we can usually make it work.
To be clear it’s not always an easy walk but it isn’t hard either. Often, all we will change is a couple of sentences or words along the way.
It can be a really energising walk, because every time we grow giving, we do it in a way that enhances how great the supporter feels. We don’t care about the action of giving per se—we care about how great it feels to be the person who made that gift today.
So yes, we want to double.
We want to double the strength of the relationship that your supporters have with you.
We want to double the meaningfulness that giving can provide for your supporters’ lives.
We want to double the degree to which people are willing to fuel your mission as if they were fuelling their own lives.
That is the kind of doubling we are after and the science of how, is what we live to generate.
If this is what you want for your own organisation you have very definitely landed in the right place.
We can offer you a process, informed by the latest science of philanthropic psychology to help you bolster giving AND the wellbeing that donors experience when they offer their gifts. Our approach expands the human capacity to love others and to feel great as a consequence of experiencing that growth.
Our process typically involves an audit of how you speak to donors currently, a survey to determine who people are when they give (and the factors that might drive their wellbeing) and support to test and change your communications in the light of that knowledge.
It will feel different working with us. Increasing the human capacity to love others is at the core of our approach and, in our view, the only way that giving can be grown sustainably. Watching that process unfold can be very uplifting and inspiring for the fundraising team and beyond. Surprise, surprise, it feels good to help others to feel good about who they are. And it feels even better to love and care for donors, just as they love and care for us and those we touch through our mission.
“Oh my goodness… the results have been great! – The best response in the charity’s history (and that’s during a pandemic!!) It’s like magic!”