Welcome, dear Fundraising Professional,
Would you like to double or triple your annual donations ... using predictable, field-tested science, and a big dose of love, rather than guesswork?
Well, you’ve come to the right place.
Would you like to double or triple your annual donations ... using predictable, field-tested science, and a big dose of love, rather than guesswork?
Well, you’ve come to the right place.
Working with nonprofit professionals like you, our mission is to grow the human capacity to love. And we will do so by employing the latest ideas from the science of philanthropic psychology or Phil Psych®.
So - you care for your donors and are nicely donor centric. You probably have all the right pronouns in your communications and you celebrate donor successes rather than organizational successes. You’ve also learned that satisfaction, commitment and trust are at the core of supporter relationships and you may even have started to employ these measures to assess the quality of your fundraising.
But is there more to learn about caring for the people who love you, love what you do and share a vision for how the world could be a better place? Could you be having a more profound impact on them and their sense of who they are, when you interact and communicate?
Fundamentally we believe that fundraising has become too focused on money. Witness the metrics that Boards use to assess its performance and the criteria against which we are routinely evaluated for our work. We believe the role of fundraising should be to steward the love that is at the core of philanthropy and specifically, to grow the human capacity to love others as well as themselves. Fundraising viewed through that lens is practiced and experienced very differently and can revolutionize the impact we have on both donors and those they help.
Philanthropic psychology is NOT behavioural economics. The practitioners of behavioural economics care about different things from us. They want to compel or nudge individuals to take actions. Actions a third party believes are good for them or more usually actions that are deemed good for an organization. They care little for how those actions might make people feel or how they might contribute to (or detract from) an individual’s sense of wellbeing.
Philanthropic psychology is different. It begins and ends with the individual. It focuses on who they are as a person and creating loving experiences that will feel genuinely warm to them. There are an abundance of ways in which we could choose to invest our time and money, but investing it in the love of others speaks uniquely to who someone is. We should be taking the time to celebrate those identities and to grow that love.
It turns out that caring for donors in this way can typically DOUBLE GIVING, but that’s only part of our motivation. Caring for people and stewarding their capacity to love is at the core of what we do and ultimately it’s the only way as a society that we will both grow philanthropy AND sustain it.
Why not join a select group of fundraisers who will forever change the way that fundraising will be practiced?
Get in touch today.
If you want to double income AND enhance how great your supporters feel about being your supporters, you’ve landed in the right place.
We use the very latest science to enhance the quality of the donor experience. When experiences feel good, human beings naturally seek more because they enjoy the pleasure they feel.
So growing philanthropy is easy if you focus on how you make people feel.
To do that the starting point is to understand who the individuals are that support you – and then engineer as much value into communications as possible for those kinds of people.
To be clear, we’re not talking here about value in terms of give-aways and premiums, we’re talking about the value you create through the WORDS that you use and the way that you care for people.
Our unique survey will help you better understand your supporters and (if you need it) a subsequent process of testing so that you can maximise the impact of your survey knowledge.
We can’t help everyone, because we currently only have capacity for 10 projects a year, but we’d love to help you if we can.
“Their course is phenomenal... heart opening like no other. It challenges you to the very core and rewards you generously if you are willing to park any preconceived notions and climb aboard for the journey. You will never approach your fundraising the same way again.”